Judy and I still live in Ortonville, Michigan, 30 years and counting. Judy is the Director of Christian Service at St. Anne Church here in town. I still work at General Motors (40 years this month), they haven’t fired me yet. If you are ever in the area, look us up. Judy makes a great venison stew and the beer is always cold. Be sure to call ahead, because our number is unlisted.
Our daughter Sarah is doing well in her chosen profession and has a street corner registered in her name in a prominent Michigan community. Obviously she is not married yet.
Our son Josh is married to Megan with only 1 Grand Puppy to show for their efforts. What do you expect, they are both teachers. Josh and I spend a lot of time hunting and fishing together.
Mon is now living at Windsor Manor, out near the Indianola High School and dines daily with Gloria Smith’s mother. She loves to have company, but don’t expect her to remember that you were there.
Sorry we won’t make it to the reunion this year, because:
A. I had an offer to go fishing.
B. My ankle bracelet won’t allow me out of the State of Michigan or to live within 2 miles of a
grade school.
C. I have grown fond of my hermit tendencies and hate to be around crowds of people.
D. All of the above.
Hope you all have a good time. See you in 10 years.
Bob Henley