Well who would have thought that we'd be communicating via a blog? I must say never in my wildest dreams! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone Friday night. Seems like just a couple of years ago that we had the last reunion. Did we decide to start doing them every 2 years instead of 5?
Lots of changes in the Woodruff household. Paige graduated from high school this year and will attend Simpson. We're excited she'll be relatively close to home. Blake is a junior so only 2 more years before we're empty nesters. Guess I shouldn't sound so hopeful. So many of our friends have their kids coming back to live with them. What's that all about? I couldn't wait to get away from my parents. Guess times have really changed.
Ryan is married and has an 8 and 10 year old (Kelsie and Cody) and SURPRISE....another one on the way. Melanie is due in February. Now that they're over the shock they are very excited and of course Kristi and I are too. Kendra and Steve have a 1 year old (Cale) and another one due in September. In a matter of 6 months we're going from 3 grandkids to 5!
I still own Avondale Animal Hospital and work lots of hours. We've grown to 6 veterinarians and 50 staff members. I do hope to retire in the near future..........probably by 2020 but definitely no later than 2030. Yes I still enjoy what I do. So many technology changes that make practice lots of fun. We now take all of our x-rays (including dental x-rays) digitally. We can then email them to radiologists, clients etc. The best part is it only takes 5 seconds to take an x-ray and if you don't like it you just X it out and take another one! We also just purchased a "therapy" laser that delivers energy deep into tissue. We use it for arthritic patients, wound healing, sprained joints etc. It's really incredible and yes it works great on people too! Well we can talk technology another time!
Kristi is school nurse for the middle school in Hartford. She really enjoys taking care of 5th and 6th graders. Carlisle just built a new middle school for 6th, 7th and 8th graders so Kristi will have 4th and 5th graders at the Hartford campus.
I lost my father on Feb. 28th of this year. Although he had many physical problems, he was very coherent until the very end and he didn't suffer. There were 14 of us with him at the hospital when he died. We felt fortunate to have him as long as we did. He was 82 years old. Although we miss him we know he's in a better place.
Well guess that's enough rambling for now. Hope to see you all Friday night. Denny