I'm so sorry to have missed you all for this 40 year reunion. It turned out I was, and still am, recuperating from carpal tunnel surgery so a big trip was out for me. I still live just north of San Francisco and have been here for 33 years. Years ago, after I moved here, eventually two of my sisters moved to the bay area also, so my mom and dad finally left Indianola to move here to be near us 15 years ago. It's been wonderful to have them nearby. Last summer, I drove with them to make their annual pilgrimage back to Indianola and had a great time staying with Sue Sorden for a few days. Then last November my mom passed peacefully away at age 86. My dad is still hanging in there at age 90.
I teach 2nd/3rd grade and will be for quite a few more years I'm sure. I have two wonderful daughters. Ashley, 25, got married a year ago last June, and lives in Prescott, AZ. She was just accepted to graduate school in counseling psychology so will be commuting to southern CA one weekend a month to go to school as well as continue her full time job. Emily, 22, went to Lewis and Clark College in Oregon and after 2 + years decided it wasn't the right place so she is back living with me and going to college locally. I'm delighted to not have an empty nest again for awhile! Over the years, I loved camping, hiking, and backpacking with them in the great national parks of the western U.S.
I've loved reading about your lives, all you who have blogged. Thanks and see you at the next one I hope.
Lois Smart Sheridan