Dear class mates of 1967,
Sorry I was not able to attend the reunion on August 4th and 5th. The trip was just too long for a week-end reunion, and due to illness in Lisa's family we were unable to make it longer. Now we are planning to go to the US for a real vacation next year, and I shall not miss Indianola then. And of course I plan to be there in our 50 year reunion - and from then on every 10 years, as we shall hopefully all of us have more time available!!
Some of you may not remember me, since I was only with you for a year. I am the lucky Danish exchange student, who had the pleassure of spending a year with you as a senior. Let me take this oportunity to tell you all how much I enjoyed that year, and how gratefull I was - and still am - for the many good moments I spent with a lot of you in school and social events. That year also helped me very much later as a business person to understand the American way of thinking. So it was not only a year of pleassure, it was also very beneficial for my personal development.
In 1967 I returned to Denmark and spent 3 years in prep school, thereafter 5 years to complete my masters. Then I joined a multinational group called Alfa Laval. It's a process engineering group, which makes dairy plants, breweries, vegetable oil plants etc. I stayed there for nearly 20 years of which most time was spent in South America (Peru, Venezuela), and I have also lived 3 years in the UK.
I returned to Denmark with my family end 1993, when decissions had to be made about the further education of our 3 children, who had attended an American school system untill high school level.
The two oldest have now finished their masters and are working, one as an IT specialist and one as a psychologist in a hospital. The third is still working on his masters. My wife, Lisa is an advisor on social wellfare, which in our countries is quite extensive. My own work now-a-day is to serve as a member of board of directors in approx. 10 companies inside - and outside of Denmark.
I used to go to the USA with much frequency, but not so much any more. Should any of you come over this way, please let me know. It would be great to see a few of you again and hear news. I have studied the photos of the blog, but so far I have not recognized any person. But I have not given up yet. I am sure that it would help to see you alive and hear your voices. But that will have to wait.
All the best wishes from Denmark,
Johs (Bogh Christensen)