Yikes! I know it's been 40 years, but I would like to think my memory would be a little better than it is. Some classmates' names ring a bell, some are a little fuzzy! I think I'll be getting the old year book out before the August gathering. I really am enjoying reading what's happened to fellow classmates in the years since high school (even if names don't always ring a bell).
I am still working (unlike many of you who seem to have retired by now) as an elementary school principal in the Fairfield district. Twelve years at home with four kids make IPERS another four years away. Only one grandchild to note as the other kids are too busy pursuing travel and careers to think about children. I'm currently single and enjoying being on my own. Have written four historical fiction books set in early settlement days in SE Iowa.
My parents are both still living in Indianola and with a move this fall to a town house in The Village, I've been spending time with my sisters as we go through years of accumulated 'stuff'. It will be nice for them to get moved where they don't have so much upkeep on the home and property.
My memories of high school include lots of Pep bus rides to ball games, playing in pep band in the balcony corner in the old Simpson gym, lots of band and chorus activites as well as plays and musicals. Would have loved to have played basketball if IHS would have had a girls' team! Scooping the Loop on week-ends was also a favorite activity (but no Corner Sundry for me - my mother thought it was the den in iniquity and forbid me to set foot in the establishment).
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the reunion. Thanks to Susie for making the arrangements, and Mary for setting up the blog. Hope to read more entries and see how many more of your names I've forgotten : )
Sue Nyswonger McCracken