Hello Indians
It was nice hearing about everyone. I live in Dallas, Texas and have been her for 28 years. I am married to a girl from Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Her name is Mary Cass. We have two children Greg, who is 26 and lives in Portland, Oregon and Katie , who is going to college in Stillwater, Oklahoma. She is 22. I work for the federal government.(EPA)Prior to that I was an exploration geologist in the oil business. A lot of gas wells are being drilled in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area at the present time. My mother and my youngest sister still live in Indianola. We make a trip to Iowa about once per year. The town changes a little every time we go back. I was in Iowa when the Class of 1966 had their reunion. It was great seeing those fellow classmates. I too would like to thank Sue Shupe and the reunion committee. They have done a wonderful thing putting this reunion together. Mary, I saw your web pages that you have prepared , they look great. Terri , how do like that warm weather in Phoenix? I looking forward to seeing everyone.
Jon Rinehart